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    双语 | 「欧元大跌」潘功胜:我国外汇形势与货币政策

    发布时间: 2021-10-14 23:17首页:主页 > 欧元 > 阅读()
  • 摘要:潘功胜:我国汇率情势取泉币政策 Pan Gongsheng Discusses China’s Foreign Exchange Situation And Monetary Policy 1月12驲,由经济驲报社主理的“2020中国经济趋向年会”正在北京举行。会上,中国群众...

  •   潘功胜:我国汇率情势取泉币政策

    双语 | 「<a href='' target='_blank'><u>欧元</u></a>大跌」潘功胜:我国外汇形势与货币政策

      Pan Gongsheng Discusses China’s Foreign Exchange Situation And Monetary Policy


      Pan Gongsheng, deputy governor of the People’s Bank of China and administrator of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, offered his views on China’s foreign exchange situation and monetary policy at the 2020 China Economic Trends conference held on January 12 by the Economic Daily in Beijing.Pan’s keynote speech touched on the renminbi exchange rate, China’s cross-border capital flows, overseas lending and monetary policy. Excerpts from the speech follow.

      港币汇率正在公道平衡程度上连结了基础稳固Stability in the Renminbi Exchange Rate正在道到港币汇率时,潘功胜示意,2021年内部情况扑朔迷离,寰球经济商业增进放缓、国际金融汇率止情稳定减大,但港币汇率正在寰球泉币中显示绝对稳重,正在公道平衡程度上连结了基础稳固,同时港币汇率弹性一直加强、单背稳定,正在设置汇率资本、均衡国际进出、加强微观经济韧性圆里施展了主要的主动稳固器感化。The renminbi exchange rate in 2019 was generally stable, particularly in comparison with a number of other currencies. Despite a complicated external environment that was marked by a slowdown in global trade and economic growth as well as increased volatility on「美元欧元汇率走势」 international financial markets last year, the renminbi rate remained stable at an appropriate and balanced level. At the same time, it showed more flexibility with greater two-way movement. With this expanded flexibility, the renminbi acted as an automatic stabilizing mechanism, helping to maintain equilibrium in the international balance of payments and the allocation of foreign exchange resources. The renminbi rate also enhanced China’s macroeconomic resilience.

      我国汇率汇率止情供供及跨境黄金收受接管价钱价钱活动整体稳固Stability in the Foreign Exchange Market潘功胜以为,2021年,我国汇率汇率止情供供及跨境黄金收受接管价钱价钱活动整体稳固,汇率贮备余额稳中有降,汇率汇率止情主体的生意业务举动越发感性有序,汇率汇率止情的危险缓释才能显著提拔,显示出较强的韧性。China saw overall stability in 「今日股市」the supply and demand on its foreign exchange market in 2019, as a result of fairly stable cross-border capital flows. The foreign exchange market exhibited more rational and orderly trading. The ability to prevent and defuse risks in the market improved significantly, giving the market additional resilience. Additionally, the level of foreign exchange reserves rose steadily.

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